
1月, 2020の投稿を表示しています

How to use particle 『に』

This lesson you learn the particle に(Ni) It's mainly used to indicate a location,time, time duration,movement or purpose. こうえんにねこがいます。(kouen ni nekoga imasu。) →There is a cat at the park. Location particle It indicates existence. It can be used with あります(Arimasu) and います(imasu). It also can be used with すみます(sumimasu) and つとめます(tsutomemasu). example テーブルにりんごがあります。( teburuni ringogaarimasu) →There is an apple on the table. わたしはにほんにすんでいます。( watashiwa nihonni sundeimasu) →I live in Japan. わたしはぎんこうにつとめています。( watashiwa ginkoni tsutometeimasu) →I work for a bank. 6じにおきます。(rokuji ni okimasu.) →I wake up at 6 o'clock. time marker It indicated a point in time when something takes takes place. ''in'' ''on'' ''at'' example げつようびにしゅっぱつします。(Getsu-yobini shuppatsu shimasu) →I will leave on Monday. 9じにねます。( kujini nemasu) →I sleep at 9 o'clock. 6がつにアメリカへいきます。( rokugatsuni amerikaheikimasu) →I am going to

How to use Particle 『を』

This lesson you learn the particle を(O) It is spelled with を in Hiragana. we need to pronounce the particle を as ''O'' すしをたべる(sushi o taberu) →I eat sushi. object marker It usually comes after the direct object of an action. <example> コーヒー を のみます。(k o hi o nomimasu.) object →I drink coffee. ケーキ を つくります。(keki o tsukurimasu.) object →I make cake. ほん を よみます。(Hon o yomimasu.) object →I read a book. こうえんをあるく(k o en o aruku) →I walk through the park. Indicates the place of movement It is used with verbs that describe motion. For example, あるきます・わたります・とびます・まがります <example> こうえん を あるきます。(k o en o arukimasu) →to walk through the park. はし を わたります。(hashi o watarimasu) →to cross a bridge こうさてん を まがります。(kousaten o magarimasu) →to turn the intersection. If you are interested in studying Japanese with me, feel free to contact me 😊↓↓↓                smiwa1741@gmail.com

what's the different between “wakarimasen” or “shirimasen” ?

what's the different  between “wakarimasen” or “shirimasen” ? Take a look at the examples below to find out when to use each phrase!   しりません(Shirimasen) It can be used to simply convey that you don’t have the knowledge the other person is looking for. However, if you are talking about something or someone familiar, you will sound you sound cold and mechanical. The nuance, in this case, would be “I don’t care” or “who knows”. わかりません(wakarimasen) わかりません(wakarimasen)  is used to express when you don’t understand something, that something is beyond the scope of your imagination or current plans. You do not have the means to answer the question. In other words, this phrase suggests that you thought about the question but couldn’t find the answer.    <Example> なつやすみ どこにいきますか?  where will you be going in the summer?        しりません❌  shirimasen        わかりません✅   I’m not sure yet. Since you’re talking about your plans and not about something that requires knowledge o

How to ask at any store what you would like to buy

If you’re looking for something specific, asking a clerk will save you a lot of time and be less stressful so let’s learn the key-sentence to ask for something in a store. みず ありますか?(Mizu arimasuka?) →Do you have water? ''___(wa)arimasu ka? was introduced as a way to ask if something exists. It cab also means ''Do you have____? <Example> えいごのしんぶん ありますか?(Eigo no shimbun arimasuka?) →Do you have English newspaper? おべんとう ありますか? ( o-bento Arimasuka?) →Do you have  bento-box? ずつうやく ありますか?(Zutsu-yaku Arimasuka? →Do you have headache medicine? ノート ありますか? ( n o to Arimasuka?) →Do you have notebook? <conversation> A:すみません。ずつうやく ありますか?  (sumimasen,Zutsu-yaku Arimasuka?) →Do you have headache medicine? B:はい、あります。こちらです。  (hai,arimasu. kochira desu) →Yes,we do, They're right here. If you are interested in studying Japanese with me, feel free to contact me 😊↓↓↓                smiwa1741@gmail.com

How To Say “Please give me” In Japanese?

How to say please give me in Japanese will greatly help you with your shopping experience in Japan. このTシャツ ください (kono T-shatsu  kudasai) →Please give me this T‐shirt. '' _ kudasai'' means ''please give me''is used to when asking a purchase. ''kono''means ''This'' kono is always used before a nourn. ''kore '' means ''this' and is also used before ''kudasai'' <Example> この みず ください(kono Mizu kudasai) →Please give me this water. この おべんとう ください (kono o-bento kudasai) →Please give me this bento-box. この かばん ください (kono kaban kudasai ) →Please give me  this bag. この くつ ください (kono kaban kudasai) →Please give me this shoes. この ノート ください (kono noto kudasai) →Please give me this  notebook. これ ください(kore kudasai) →Please give me this one. <conversation> A:すみません。このTシャツ ください。  (Sumimasen. Kono T-shatsu kudasai) →Please give me this T-shatsu. B:はい。ありがとうござい

How to say how much? in Japanese

How to ask how much something costs in Japanese will greatly help you with your shopping experience in Japan. これ いくらですか? (kore ikuradesuka?) →How much is this? Ikura means''How much'' __(wa) ikura desuka? means ''How much is__? and is used to ask how much somethig costs. このノート いくらですか (Kononote ikuradesuka?) →How much is this notebook? kono+<nourn>= this <nourn> ''kono' is always used before a noun. <Example> この みず いくらですか? (kono Mizu ikuradesuka?) →How much is this water? この おべんとう いくらですか?(kono o-bento ikuradesuka?) →How much is this bento-box? この かばん いくらですか? (kono kaban ikuradesuka?) →How much is this bag この くつ いくらですか? (kono kaban ikuradesuka?) →How much are this shoes. この ノート いくらですか?(kono noto ikuradesuka?) →How much is this  notebook? <conversation> A: すみません。このノート いくらですか?  (sumimasen. kono n o to ikuradesuka?)   →Excuse me. How much is this notebook? B: 100えんです。  (100yen desu) →It’s 100yen

How to ask for directions in Japanese

Knowing how to ask for directions and having a bit of Japanese understanding will definitely help you get on your way.   トイレ どこですか?  (Toire dokodesuka?)     where is the rest room?          ( place) どこですか?  (place) dokodesuka?    ' Doko'means  where     (     )doko desuka  is used to ask for the location of something. <Example > トイレ どこですか?(toire)  dokodesuka? トイレ    (toire)   = rest room      こうばん どこですか?(kouban) dokodesuka? こうばん(kouban)=Police box  エレベーター どこですか?(erebeta)dokodesuka?      エレベーター(ereb e t a )=elevator           ゆうびんきょく どこですか? (yubinkyoku)dokodesuka? ゆうびんきょく(yubinkyoku)=Post office こうえん どこですか? (koen)dokodesuka? こうえん(koen)=park コンビニ どこですか? (konnbini)dokodesuka? コンビニ(konnbini)=convenience store         えき どこですか? (eki)dokodesuka? えき(eki)=station ちかてつのえき どこですか?  (chikatetsu no eki)dokodesuka? ちかてつのえき(chikatetsu no eki)                         くすりや どこですか?    (kusuriya)dokodesuka? くすりや(kusur

How to Introduce yourself in Japanese

Going to live in Japan?  Better prepare yourself with a Japanese self-introduction 1.はじめまして (Hajimemashit)    Nice to meet you. It is the first time(meeting)  'However,to make it closer to the equivalent   English expression,It is more often          translated as 'Nice to meet you' 2. わたしは  ジョン  です。(watashi wa  ジョン   desu)   I am Jon.  わたしは (name)  です. (watashiwa  (name)   desu)   I am  (name)  .      A wa B desu means 'A=B'   wa' marks the topic/subject of the sentence  'desu' means something similar to 'to be ' in English. 3.  わたしは  にほんじん  です。(watashi wa Nihon jin   desu)   I am Japanese.      わたしは  (contries)  です(watashiwa  (contries)  desu)   I am   (contries)  . Jin : <country +  Jin >=People/person from that country or area    4. わたしは  エンジニア  です。(watashi wa enjinia  desu) I am engineer. わたしは    (Job) です。  ( watashiwa   Job  desu) I am  (job)    5.よろしくおねがいします。(Yoroshikuonegaishimasu)

Japanese phrases for traveling in Japan

1.こんにちは(konnichiwa)       Hello 2. ありがとうございます(Arigatougozaimasu)       Thank you            This is 'thank you' You can just say 'arugato' but 'arigato gozaimasu'      if you want to be polite 3.すみません(sumimasen)       Excuse me.             if you bump into someone or want to get someone's attention,such as         a waiter or hotel staff or a strange on the street,say 'sumimasen' 4.はい(hai)    Yes     Saying yes can also mean “I understand”. 5.だいじょうぶです(Daijoubu)  That's okay(no)/ It's alright/ No thanks       kind and easy way to say No 6.わかりません(Wakarimasen)   I don't understand.   if you don't understand what someone is saying to you,use 'wakarimasen' 7.えいごわかりますか?(eigowakarimasuka)     Do you understand English?