How to use particle 『に』

This lesson you learn the particle に(Ni)

It's mainly used to indicate a location,time, time duration,movement or purpose.

こうえんにねこがいます。(kouen ni nekoga imasu。)
→There is a cat at the park.

Location particle
It indicates existence.
It can be used with あります(Arimasu) and います(imasu).
It also can be used with すみます(sumimasu) and つとめます(tsutomemasu).

テーブルにりんごがあります。(teburuni ringogaarimasu)
→There is an apple on the table.

わたしはにほんにすんでいます。(watashiwa nihonni sundeimasu)
→I live in Japan.

わたしはぎんこうにつとめています。(watashiwa ginkoni tsutometeimasu)
→I work for a bank.

6じにおきます。(rokuji ni okimasu.)
→I wake up at 6 o'clock.

time marker
It indicated a point in time when something takes takes place. ''in'' ''on'' ''at''

げつようびにしゅっぱつします。(Getsu-yobini shuppatsu shimasu)
→I will leave on Monday.

9じにねます。(kujini nemasu)
→I sleep at 9 o'clock.

6がつにアメリカへいきます。(rokugatsuni amerikaheikimasu)
→I am going to America in Jun.

*に(Ni)cannot follow relative time expressions
   きょう(Today) こんしゅう(this week)  らいねん(Next year)

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